Hello from San Francisco

Surprise, surprise...I'm back in the States!!!

I'm in San Francisco right now, visiting my parents who are living here for a year and a half. I wanted to surprise them by just showing up on their doorstep so I couldn't mention anything about coming home early on this site. I arrived Wednesday afternoon, and boy were they surprised!!

Why am I back? Short answer: I got a hankering to go to Spain. I've been feeling pretty done with Africa for several weeks now so I decided to come home early, spend the holidays with my family, then, around mid-January, go to Spain for three months to do a Spanish Immersion Program. Just a minor deviation from the original plan, eh?

So...this will be my last blog entry for awhile, probably until I leave for Spain. Until then, thanks for tuning in over the last few months. It's been fun knowing that so many friends and family were accompanying me on my journey. :)

Have a fantastic holiday and, as always, you can reach me at my email address.