Time to flee to Africa
Welp...I'm off to Africa in less than four days. And, it's time. I can't say I am excited, per se, as this isn't exactly the path I wanted my life to take. But I feel ready...ready for the change, ready for all that might be in store for me. Throughout my trip, I will use this blog to keep everyone updated on my adventures. I hope to post to the site at least once a week, and promise that each entry will be a spellbinding, riveting, exhilarating experience (he he).
Itinerary Recap:
For your viewing pleasure, I have added a handy dandy reference map that shows (roughly) the route that I will be taking. [As with all images on this site, you can make it bigger by clicking on it.] Most of you know the full 'plan', but for those that haven't heard it yet, here's a quick run down of the trip:
(2) I then travel for about a month, exploring much of South Africa as well as parts of Mozambique and Swaziland.
(3) Then, once I reach Cape Town, South Africa, I'll settle into a small house in the Observatory area, and spend the next four months volunteering at an orphanage for kids who've lost their parents to AIDS and at a penguin rescue center. (Why are there penguins in Africa? No idea. Guess I'll soon find out.)
(4) And, for the final leg of my adventures...I will go on a two month trip/safari, traveling thru Namibia, Botswana, Malawi, Zambia, Tanzania and Kenya.
That's seven months. At that point, I will either come back to the US and face life, or go on to somewhere else. I’m not sure right now but I guess I have seven months to figure that out.
Once I'm on the road, I'll let you know just how 'elegant' it turns out to be (ha ha). Until then...farewell all, and please do keep in touch.
Itinerary Recap:
For your viewing pleasure, I have added a handy dandy reference map that shows (roughly) the route that I will be taking. [As with all images on this site, you can make it bigger by clicking on it.] Most of you know the full 'plan', but for those that haven't heard it yet, here's a quick run down of the trip:
(1) I start the trip by volunteering for a month at a primate sanctuary in northeastern South Africa.
(2) I then travel for about a month, exploring much of South Africa as well as parts of Mozambique and Swaziland.
(3) Then, once I reach Cape Town, South Africa, I'll settle into a small house in the Observatory area, and spend the next four months volunteering at an orphanage for kids who've lost their parents to AIDS and at a penguin rescue center. (Why are there penguins in Africa? No idea. Guess I'll soon find out.)
(4) And, for the final leg of my adventures...I will go on a two month trip/safari, traveling thru Namibia, Botswana, Malawi, Zambia, Tanzania and Kenya.
That's seven months. At that point, I will either come back to the US and face life, or go on to somewhere else. I’m not sure right now but I guess I have seven months to figure that out.
THE question: Am I ready?
That seems to be the question I get most often lately, and I'd say yes, I am ready. I will admit this: I've spent an absurd amount of time trying to create the world's most elegant packing system. (Ah, the dangers of having too much time to prepare for a trip.) I've never traveled for seven months in one stretch (my summer trips during grad school were just three months each), and I've never had the added hassle of needing to lug a sleeping bag with me. Ick! But, luckily for my sanity, I think I've got it all set.
That seems to be the question I get most often lately, and I'd say yes, I am ready. I will admit this: I've spent an absurd amount of time trying to create the world's most elegant packing system. (Ah, the dangers of having too much time to prepare for a trip.) I've never traveled for seven months in one stretch (my summer trips during grad school were just three months each), and I've never had the added hassle of needing to lug a sleeping bag with me. Ick! But, luckily for my sanity, I think I've got it all set.
Once I'm on the road, I'll let you know just how 'elegant' it turns out to be (ha ha). Until then...farewell all, and please do keep in touch.